Social Media:
the Fourth Pillar
Social media
permits multiple identities - tribal, feudal, regional, linguistic, national,
religious, ... It allows the material impulses/instincts to be satisfied by proxy,
in the virtual world. The very nature of the network allows hierarchical and horizontal
connections with others
Recent technological innovations
put the tools of production of media content in the hands of common man. It allows
anybody with access to the Net to reach across to millions. It gives voice to
erstwhile voiceless. Access to these tools empowers the powerless.
For the traditional large
corporate media houses, however, it has been very disempowering. Grandmothers start
chitchatting with their grandchildren on the other part of the world,
disregarding their favourite serial - because that is the best time to interact
with people on the other part of the world. Young householders living in rented
flats are attending to their virtual farms and decorating their virtual houses,
fulfilling their instincts and dreams. Young children making up animation
stories using applications in iPad... Attracting eyeballs to any mass
entertainment has never been more difficult.
From the traditional mass
media point of view, the new media is seen as merely another platform for
delivery. But the new media is much more than that. It is a platform for
interactions, conversations, searching, creating and sharing. Sharing is a two
way process but media delivery is a one way street. The traditional business
models for media are not yet really ready for this transformation.
Challenges to traditional media