Copyrights and
the Government Should Embrace the Public Domain
copyright doesn’t serve public welfare, states must intervene, and the law must
change to promote human rights, the freedom of expression and to receive and
impart information, and to protect authors and consumers
Each of you reading this article is a criminal
and should be jailed for up to three years. Yes, you. “Why?,” you may ask.
you ever whistled a tune or sung a film song aloud? Have you ever retold a
joke? Have you replied to an e-mail without deleting the copy of that e-mail
that automatically added to the reply? Or photocopied pages from a book? Have
you ever used an image from the Internet in presentation? Have you ever surfed
the Internet at work, used the ‘share’ button on a website, or re-tweeted
anything on Twitter? And before 2012, did you ever use a search engine?
you have done any of the above without the permission of the copyright holder,
you might well have been in violation of the Indian Copyright Act, since in each of those
examples you’re creating a copy or are otherwise infringing the rights of the
copyright holder. Interestingly, it was only through an amendment in 2012 that
search engines (like Google and Yahoo) were legalized.
Justifications for Copyright
is one among the many forms of intellectual property rights. Across differing
theories of copyright, two broad categories may be made. The first
category would be those countries where copyright is intended to benefit
society, the other where it is intended to benefit the author.
Within the second category, there can again be two subcategories: those
that see the need to benefit the author due to notions of natural justice
and those that see the need to provide incentives for authors to create.
Incentives to create are necessary only when the act of creation itself is
valuable (and more so than the creator). The act of creation is valued highly
as it directly benefits society. Thus, it is seen that the second
sub-category is closer to the societal benefit theory than the natural
justice sub-category. In the United States, the wording of the Progress Clause
makes things clear that copyright is for the benefit of the public, and the
author is only given secondary consideration. It is in light of this that the
U.S. Supreme Court said,
monopoly privileges that Congress may authorize are neither unlimited nor
primarily designed to provide a special private benefit. Rather, the limited
grant is a means by which an important public purpose may be achieved. It is
intended to motivate the creative activity of authors and inventors by the
provision of a special reward, and to allow the public access to the products
of their genius after the limited period of exclusive control has expired.”
theories of copyright see copyright as an incentive mechanism, designed to encourage creators to produce material because they
would be able to recover costs and make a profit due to the exclusionary rights that copyright law grants.
Thus, the ideal period of copyright for any material, under the economic theory
would be the minimum period required for a person to recoup the costs that go
into the production of that material. Allowing for the great-grandchildren of
the author to benefit from the author’s work would actually go against the
incentive mechanism. Even if the author is motivated enough to put in even more
hard work to provide for her great-grandchildren, her children, grandchildren,
and great-grandchildren wouldn’t have any incentive to create for themselves
(as the incentive is seen purely in terms of economics, and not in terms of
creative urge, etc.), as they are already provided for by copyright. Thus, in a
sense, the shift towards longer periods of copyright terms that we are seeing
today can be seen as a shift from the incentive-based model to a rewards-based
model of copyright.
The other standard theory of copyright
justification is the natural rights theory, which deems intellectual
property the fruit of the author’s labour, thus entitling them to complete
control over that fruit. This brings us to the conception of property itself,
and the Lockean and Hegelian justifications for personal property is what is
most often used to back such an argument up.
There are many problems with the natural
rights theory of intellectual property. If that theory were to hold water,
copyright law would accord greater precedence to authors than to publishers.
Yet, we see that it is publishers primarily, and not authors, who get
benefit of copyright. The “work for hire” doctrine, embodied in Section
17 of the Copyright Act, holds that it is the employer who is treated as the
owner of copyright, not the author. This plainly contradicts that natural
rights theory. And it also raises the question of why we should protect certain
kinds of knowledge investments in the first place. Publishing is a business,
and all risks inherent with other businesses should come along with publishing.
There is no reason that the State should safeguard their investment by vesting
in them a right while safeguarding the investments of any other business only
occasionally, and that too as an act of munificence. This problem arises
because of the free transferability of copyright. This leads us to the larger
problem, which is of course that of treating knowledge as a form of property.
Property, as we have traditionally understood it, has a few features like
excludability. Knowledge, however, does not share that feature with property.
Once you know something that I created, I can’t exclude you from that
knowledge that (unlike my ability to take back an apple you have stolen from
me). This analysis also has the pernicious effect of excluding free speech
analysis of copyright laws. An incorrect analogy is often drawn to explain why
free speech analysis doesn’t work on property: you may wish to exercise your
right to free speech on my front lawn, yet the State may decree that I am in
full right to throw you off my property, without being accused of abridging
your right to freedom of speech. So, the argument goes, enforcement of property
rights is not an affront to freedom of speech. The problems with this analogy
are obvious enough: the two forms of “property” cannot be equated. If you take
the location of speech away, I can still speak. If, on the other hand, you
restrict my ideas/expression, then I can no longer be said to have the freedom
of expression.
One Size Doesn’t Fit All
It is easy to see that copyright is an ill-fit for all the
things that it now covers. Copyright in its present form is a historical
accident, which evolved into the state it is in a very haphazard fashion. It is
a colonial imposition on developing countries. It does not value that
which we often value in Indian culture: tradition. Instead, copyright
law values modernity and newness. It can also be seen as a trade issue imposed
on us through the Trade-Related Intellectual Property Agreement (TRIPS
Agreements) as part of the World Trade Organization.
Importantly, copyright is not a single well-planned scheme. In
some cases — for literature, visual art works, lyrics, musical tunes, etc. — it
provides rights to the artist, while in other cases - for recordings of those
musical tunes, and for films -it provides rights to the producers. What are the
legal reasons for this distinction? There aren’t any; the distinction is a
historical one (with sound recordings and films getting copyright protection
after literature, etc.). At one point of time only exact copies were governed
by copyright law. Hence, translations of a work were considered not to
be infringement of that work (or a “derivative work”), but new independent
works, since after all it takes considerable artistic effort to create a
good translation of a work. However now even creating an encyclopedia based
on Harry Potter (as the Harry Potter Lexicon was), is covered as infringement
of the exclusive rights of the author. At one point of time photographs
were not provided any copyright, being as they are, ‘mere’ mechanical
reproductions. They were seen as not being ‘creative’ enough. However, around
the turn of the twentieth century, that position changed, and hence every
photograph you’ve taken of your dog is now copyrighted. According to a
recent Supreme Court decision, merely adding paragraph numbering to court
judgments is considered to be ‘creative’ enough to merit copyright protection! At one point of time, copyright existed for 14 years. Now, with
the international minimum being “fifty years after the death of the author”, it
lasts for an average of more than a century! Once upon a time, copyright was
only granted to those who wanted it and applied for it. That has now changed,
and you have copyright over every single original thing that you have ever
written, recorded, or otherwise affixed to a medium.
Copyright in the Digital
All digital activities violate copyright,
since automatically copies are created on the computer’s RAM, cache, etc.
Because now everything is copyrighted, and
copyrighted seemingly forever, each one of us violates copyright on a
day-to-day basis. It is a mockery of the law when everyone is a criminal. The
US President Barack Obama violated copyright law when he presented UK’s Queen
Elizabeth II an iPod filled with 40 songs from popular musicals like West Side
Story and the King and I. When even presidents, with legal advisers cannot
navigate copyright law successfully, what hopes have we ordinary people?
There is no shortage of similar examples to
show that copyright law has gone out of control.
Take extradition, for instance. Augusto
Pinochet was extradited, Charles Shobraj was sought to be extradited. Added to their
ranks is the pimply teenager who runs TVShark, who British courts have cleared
for extradition to the USA for potential violation of copyright law. The
extreme injustice of copyright is easily observable if one sees the contorted
map depicting net royalty inflows available on there are a sum
total of less than a dozen countries which are net exporters of IP; all other
countries, including India, are net importers of IP. IP law is one area
where both those who talk about social justice and those who talk about
individual liberties find common ground in the monopolistic or exclusionary
rights granted under copyright law. Copyright acts as a barrier to free
trade, thus allowing Nelson Mandela’s autobiography to be more expensive in
South Africa than the United Kingdom because South Africa is prohibited by the
UK publisher from importing the book from India. Mark Getty, the heir to
the Getty Images fortune, once presciently observed that “IP is the oil of
the 21st century”.
Government Copyright
In the ivory towers of academia, there has in recent times been
a clarion call that’s resounding strongly: the call for open access. As the
Public Library of Science states, “open access is a stands for unrestricted
access and unrestricted reuse”. Why is it important? “Most publishers own the
rights to the articles in their journals. Anyone who wants to read the articles
must pay to access them. Anyone who wants to use the articles in any way must
obtain permission from the publisher and is often required to pay an additional
fee. Although many researchers can access the journals they need via their
institution and think that their access is free, in reality it is not. The
institution has often been involved in lengthy negotiations around the price of
their site license, and re-use of this content is limited.” Importantly, the
writers of articles (scholars) do not get paid by the publishers for their
articles, and most developing countries are not able to afford the costs
imposed by these scholarly publishers. Even India’s premier scientific research
agency, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, recently declared
that the costs of scientific journals was beyond its means.
Why is this important? Because apart from establishing the idea of
informational equity and justice, it also establishes the idea that
taxpayer-funded research (as most scientific and much of academic research is)
ought to belong to the public domain, and be available freely. This
principle, seemingly uncontroversial, is very unfortunately not embodied in the
Indian Copyright Act. Most public servants do not realize that that which they
create may not be freely used by the public whom they serve.
Under the Indian Copyright Act, all creations of the government,
whether by the executive, judiciary, or legislature, is by default copyrighted. This does not make sense under either of the two theories of
copyright that we examined above. The government is not an ‘author’ who can
have any form of ‘natural rights’ over its labour. Nor is the government
incentivised to create more works if it has copyright over them. Most of the
copyrighted works, such as various reports, the Gazette of India, etc., that
the government creates are required to be created, and the cultural works it
creates are for cultural promotion and not for commercial exploitation. Hence
it makes absolutely no sense to continue with the colonial regime of ‘crown
copyright’, when countries like the USA have suffered no ill effects by legally
placing all government works in the public domain.
While there are a limited set of exceptions to
government copyright provided for in the law, those are very minimal. This
means that even though you are legally allowed to get a document through the
Right to Information Act, publicising that document on the Internet could
potentially get you jailed under the Copyright Act. This is obviously not what
any government official would want. If instead of the four sub-sections that
form the exception, the exception was merely one line and allowed for “the
reproduction, communication to the public, or publication of any government
work”, then that itself would elegantly take care of the problem. This
would also remove the ambiguities inherent currently in the, where
the central government is publishing information that it wants civil society,
entrepreneurs, and other government departments to use, however there is no
clarity on whether they are legally allowed to do so.
Recently, the member states of the World
Intellectual Property Organization passed a treaty that would facilitate
blind persons’ access to books. On that occasion, at Marrakesh, I noted that
intellectual property must not be seen as a good in itself, but as an
instrumentalist tool which may be selectively deployed to achieve societally
desirable objectives. I said: It is historic that today WIPO and its members
have collectively recognized in a treaty that copyright isn’t just an
“engine of free expression” but can pose a significant barrier to access to
knowledge. Today we recognize that blind writers are currently curtailed
more by copyright law than protected by it. Today we recognize that copyright
not only may be curtailed in some circumstances, but that it must be curtailed
in some circumstances, even beyond the few that have been listed in the Berne
Convention. One of the original framers of the Berne Convention, Swiss jurist
and president, Numa Droz, recognized this in 1884 when he emphasized that
“limits to absolute protection are rightly set by the public interest”. And as
Debabrata Saha, India’s delegate to WIPO during the adoption of the WIPO
Development Agenda noted, “intellectual property rights have to be viewed
not as a self contained and distinct domain, but rather as an effective policy
instrument for wide ranging socio-economic and technological development. The
primary objective of this instrument is to maximize public welfare.” When
copyright doesn’t serve public welfare, states must intervene, and the law must
change to promote human rights, the freedom of expression and to receive and
impart information, and to protect authors and consumers. Importantly, markets
alone cannot be relied upon to achieve a just allocation of informational
resources, as we have seen clearly from the book famine that the blind are
experiencing. Marrakesh was the city in which, as Debabrata Saha noted, “the
damage [of] TRIPS [was] wrought on developing countries”. Now it has
redeemed itself through this treaty.
The Indian government needs to similarly
redeem itself by freeing governmental works, including the scientific research
it funds, the archives of All India Radio, the movies that it produces through
Prasar Bharati, and all other tax-payer funded works, and by returning them to
the public domain, where they belong.
By : Pranesh Prakash ;The author is Policy
Director with the Centre for Internet and Society, and is a graduate of the
National Law School of India University, Bangalore.
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